Health Careers Advising
Financial Planning
Get Prepared
- Build good credit. Stay current with any credit card payments and try to pay off your credit card debt before you begin health professional school. Be sure you are taking the time to build a strong credit history before you apply.
- Educate yourself about financing options. This includes everything from the Fee Assistance Programs that can provide financial assistance for your application to loan repayment programs you can participate in after medical school. See more about these in our resources below.
- Have an honest discussion with your family regarding their ability and willingness to provide any financial support to you during your studies.
- Explore the financial aid offered by schools. Start with each school’s website to begin and then work with their financial aid office if accepted. When speaking with the schools’ financial aid office, discuss any special circumstances that you are facing. They are experts in helping you to navigate the complexities of financial aid. They also work closely with admissions offices and we encourage you to be in contact with them as you are making important matriculation decisions.
- Carefully consider the costs of each medical school and how students cover these costs. What percentage of students receive financial aid? What is the average loan amount? What is the mean educational debt? Each school should have this information available to any students who have been accepted.
- Research difference among loan programs. Not all loan programs are created equal and they have different levels of fees, interest rates, interest accrual while in school, etc.
- Balance the weight of educational debt with realistic estimates of your future income in your chosen career. Ensure that your future career will have a salary that will enable you to pay off your loans - or choose to participate in one of the programs that reduces your educational debt.
Fee Assistance Programs
Fee Assistance Programs provide financial support for students facing financial constraints who would find it difficult to prepare and apply to their graduate healthcare program of choice.
Allopathic Medical Schools (AMCAS): AAMC Fee Assistance Program
Osteopathic Medical Schools (AACOMAS): AACOMAS Application Fee Waiver
Dental Medicine (ADEA AADSAS): ADEA AADSAS Fee Assistance Program
Physician Assistant Programs: CASPA Fee Assistance Program or PA-CAT Fee Assistance Program
Veterinary Medicine (VMCAS): VMCAS Fee Assistance Program
Podiatric Medicine: AACPMAS Fee Waiver
Optometric Medicine: Fee Assistance from OptomCAS is not offered, but you can learn about scholarships, grants, and other support programs here.
Funding from Brown
- Brown University's Curricular & Co-curricular Funding is available to assist undergraduate students in supplementing expenses for standardized test preparation costs, including the LSAT. To apply, log into UFunds, search for the "Emergency Funds, Curricular & Co-curricular Gap (E-Gap) Funds" grant, then apply through the "Professional Development, Curricular, and Co-curricular Assistance Grant" section. Please note that it is not necessary to list a recommender for this application
Debt-Free Health Career Education Options
- Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) for service in the Army, Navy or Air Force
- National Health Service Corps Scholarship
- Indian Health Service Scholarships
- Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)
Loan Repayment Programs
- AAMC Loan Repayment Options (federal- and state-funded programs)
- NIH Loan Repayment Programs (research-related loan repayment programs)
- AAFP Resources (loan forgiveness for students committed to family practice)
Websites for Financial Planning for Health Career Education
- AAMC: Paying for Medical School
- AAMC Aspiring Docs
- AAMC FIRST is an excellent web-based resource that addresses the elements of financial planning from the premedical to early years in professional practice.