Medical schools require the MCAT, Dental schools require the DAT, many veterinary medical schools require the GRE, some PA programs require the GRE, while others require the PA-CAT, and a few have no standardized test requirement. Be sure to look at our Career pages for information on the tests required for your chosen healthcare career program. We have also provided individual pages of information for the more common exams.
Standardized Tests
In addition, some health professional schools have begun requiring or recommending a new type of standardized test known as a situational judgment test. There are two common situational judgment tests used by the health professional schools which are the AAMC PREview, and the Casper. Currently they are being used by some MD, DO and PA schools but the specific schools that use the tests are constantly changing and there is a variability in whether or not the test is required or recommended. It is important that you check with the schools to which you plan to apply to determine if you should take either of these tests. We recommend that you complete these exams by mid July of your application year.
Testing Financial Assistance
Some of the testing services have fee assistance programs to help offset the costs of the exams for students who quality. We have provided more information about these on the pages for each test. In addition, Brown University's Curricular and Co-curricular Funding is available to assist undergraduate students in supplementing expenses for standardized test preparation costs, including the MCAT. To apply, log into UFunds, search for the "Emergency Funds, Curricular and Co-curricular Gap (E-Gap) Funds" grant, then apply through the "Professional Development, Curricular, and Co-curricular Assistance Grant" section. Please note that it is not necessary to list a recommender for this application.